Our role
We aim to make the ACT better for the community, by working with government and organisations to:
- improve their decision-making and complaints-handling
- ensure they comply with their obligations of reporting allegations of misconduct towards children
- encourage them to take a pro-active approach to disclosing information to the public.
To find out more about the role of the Ombudsman, see What we do.
If you want to see who in our Office manages ACT Ombudsman activities download our Organisation Chart.
Current Ombudsman
Mr Iain Anderson was appointed as the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 1 August 2022 for a 5 year term.
As the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Mr Anderson is also the ACT Ombudsman.
More information about the Ombudsman can be found on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website.
Our vision, mission and values
Ensure ACT Government agencies make decisions that are transparent, lawful, fair and accountable.
To improve the ACT for the community by:
- helping people to resolve complaints about government agencies
- influencing agencies to make improvements to their processes and procedures
- providing advice regarding best practice
- monitoring statutory compliance by agencies and organisations.
The values of the ACT Ombudsman are:
- independence
- impartiality
- integrity
- accessibility
- professionalism
- team work