12 Feb 2007: Review of ACT Policing's watch house operations

Review of ACT Policing's watch house operations

Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Mick Keelty, and the Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman Dr Vivienne Thom, today announced the commencement of a joint review of ACT Policing’s watch house operations.

The AFP proposed the review, and it comes after the Ombudsman had noted some concerns about watch house procedures in its annual reports over recent years.

The Ombudsman and the AFP agreed that it was timely for a review following the upgrading of the closed circuit television camera system installed at the City Watch House in July 2006.

Chief Police Officer (CPO) for the ACT, Audrey Fagan, said that the review would assess all watch house operations to ensure ACT custodial procedures are best practice.

ACT Policing is strongly committed to best practice in the treatment of detained persons and I welcome this review to help us ensure those high standards are being met in our watch house operations,” CPO Fagan said.

Dr Thom also welcomed the AFP’s initiative to establish the joint review team.

“While the Commonwealth Ombudsman receives a relatively small number of complaints each year about watch house custodial procedures, some of those complaints are sufficiently serious to warrant us undertaking this review. I welcome the opportunity to collaborate with the AFP on the review and use our collective expertise in looking at best practice for watch house operations,” Dr Thom said.

The review will examine:

  • the policies and procedures applicable to watch house operations
  • guidelines available to watch house staff
  • training and supervision of AFP members working in the watch house
  • functioning of the closed circuit television networks
  • the use of force and physical restraints
  • assessment, identification and subsequent treatment of persons with special needs
  • watch house records and videotapes to determine how effectively procedures are
    implemented in practice
  • oversight, supervision and management of watch house staff.

The review team will also consider complaints to the AFP and the Ombudsman about matters relating to the watch house and comments made by courts, oversight bodies or individuals with information about watch house operations. The team will interview relevant parties as it considers appropriate.

The review will commence immediately and is expected to be completed by the end of April 2007. The final report will be made public.

AFP Contact Details:
ACT Policing Media Team Phone: 02 62567460
Email: ACT-Media-Team@afp.gov.au

Ombudsman Contact Details:
Elizabeth Courtney-Frost
Director, Public Affairs
Phone: 02 6276 0133
Email: ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.au

View the Terms of Reference for the review.