ACT Ombudsman releases report on parole processes at the Alexander Maconochie Centre

Today the ACT Ombudsman, Mr Michael Manthorpe, released a report on the investigation into ACT Corrective Services’ administration of parole at the Alexander Maconochie Centre.

The Ombudsman’s investigation followed a number of concerns raised by detainees, service providers and Official Visitors about parole processes in the ACT and administrative failures. These have resulted in some detainees unnecessarily remaining in prison beyond their earliest release date. During the investigation, the Ombudsman identified broader concerns about the way the ACT Corrective Services conducted their parole processes.

‘We recognise the challenges involved in the administration of the Alexander Maconochie Centre generally, and the parole process in particular. However, if the goal of managing a corrections system that respects detainees’ human rights is to be realised, the parole system and the steps that lead up to a parole application need to work properly and fairly for detainees.  As the case studies contained in the report highlight, if they do not then some detainees end up spending more time in prison than would otherwise be necessary or appropriate, often as a result of simple administrative failings,’ Mr Manthorpe said.

The report made 15 recommendations aimed at improving the parole processes for detainees in the ACT.

The Ombudsman welcomes the Justice and Community Safety Directorate and ACT Corrective Services’ responses to the report, which agreed with all 15 recommendations. The Ombudsman also acknowledges ACT Corrective Services’ commitment to implementing an Integrated Offender Management system by the end of 2021, that focuses on preparing detainees for release at the earliest opportunity, with due regard for risk and community safety.

The Ombudsman will follow up on the implementation of the recommendations.

The report can be found on the ACT Ombudsman's website at