25 Sep 2007: Improving ACT government: Ombudsman releases 2006-07 annual report

Improving ACT government: Ombudsman releases 2006-07 annual report

Delays in decision making, public housing tenant disputes, lease renewal errors and policing and detention disputes were just some of the hundreds of complaints dealt with by the ACT Ombudsman, Prof. John McMillan, in 2006-07.

Prof. McMillan released the ACT Ombudsman’s eighteenth annual report today. The report documents the work of the Ombudsman’s office during the year in handling complaints about ACT Government agencies and ACT Policing. Highlights of the report include:

  • handling 941 approaches and complaints received
  • finalising 501 approaches and complaints about ACT Government agencies and 413 about ACT Policing
  • publicly releasing six reports on investigations, including the report, with the Australian Federal Police, on the joint review of ACT Watchhouse operations
  • putting extensive effort into developing new policies and procedures regarding AFP complaints, following a change in legislation
  • continuing to provide input on significant ACT Government projects, including the ACT Prison Project.

The office dealt with complaints from ACT residents seeking assistance on matters such as building applications, public housing, vehicle registration, child protection and policing. The majority of complaints received were about Housing ACT (99), ACT Corrective Services (94), and ACT Policing (413).

There was a 9% increase in the number of approaches and complaints handled in 2006-07 compared to the previous year.

The report discusses complaint themes, with case studies illustrating how the Ombudsman’s office dealt with some individual complaints and systemic issues. Issues looked at in ACT Government agencies included delays in making decisions and lack of response by agencies to communications from clients.

“I applaud the positive response by ACT Government agencies to my recommendations, and look forward to continuing improvement in resolving the difficulties and problems that people experience with government”, Prof. McMillan said.

The full text of the ACT Ombudsman’s annual report is available online at www.ombudsman.act.gov.au. For further information, a hard copy of the report or to arrange an interview with the ACT Ombudsman, Prof. John McMillan, contact:

Elizabeth Courtney-Frost
Director, Public Affairs
Phone: 02 6276 0133
Email: ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.au