

Appendix 1

Approaches and complaints received and finalised about ACT Government agencies and ACT Policing, 2012–13 (including freedom of information)

Explanation of terms used in the following table.
Approaches / Complaints received Approaches/complaints received in 2012–13
Approaches / Complaints finalised Approaches/complaints finalised in 2012–13, including some complaints carried over from previous years
Category 1 Approaches/complaints resolved without investigation, outcomes include decisions not to investigate and referrals to appropriate agency or authority
Category 2 Complaints that cannot be resolved at Category 1 and require further internal enquiries/research or more information from the complainant, resolved without contacting the agency
Category 3 Complaints where an investigation was conducted and the agency contacted
Category 4 Further investigation conducted as the complaint was not able to be resolved at Category 3
Category 5 Further investigation conducted as the complaint was not able to be resolved in Category 4; involves formal reporting processes
Remedies Complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring separate investigation and possibly resulting in a number of different remedies

Table A1: Approaches and complaints received and finalised about ACT government agencies and ACT Policing, 2012–13 (including freedom of information)

  ToTal not investigated investigated            
 Total Received Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Total Finalised Action expedited Apology Decision changed or reconsidered Disciplinary action Explanation Financial remedy Other non-financial remedy Law, policy or practice changed Remedy provided by agency without Ombudsman intervention Total Remedies
Chief minister and Treasury Directorate 3 2      2           
Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate (previous) 1   1   1   2      2      2
Treasury Directorate (previous) 1 2 3 4    9   1    3 1 1    6
ACT Legislative Assembly      1    1          
 11     14         8
Commerce and Works Directorate 2   1     1           8
ACTEW 13 4 9     13           
 15     14          
Community Services Directorate 14 6 8     14           
Housing ACT 120 43 51 24 16   134 14 5 15   33 5 2 2 1 77
 134     148         77
Economic Development Directorate                 
ACT Gambling and Racing Commission 1                 
ACT Gambling and Racing Commission 1                 
ACT Land Development Agency 2 1 1     2           
Economic Development Directorate 1 1      1           
 4     3          
Education and Training Directorate                 
Canberra Institute of Technology 15 2 5 8 3   18    5   3   1   9
Education and Training Directorate 13 6 6   1   13      2     2 4
University of Canberra 14 3 8 3    14    3   1     4
 42     45         17
Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate                 
ACT Planning and Land Authority 23 6 13 4 1   24 3 2 4 9      20
ActewAGL 3 1 1 1    3      1     1
 26     27         21
Health Directorate                 
Health Directorate 6 3 4 1    8      4     4
 8     8         4
Justice and Community Safety Directorate                 
Civil and Administrative Tribunal 7 3 3 1 2   9   1    2    1  4
ACT Corrective Services 61 11 31 8 4   54    1 1 10   1 2  15
Director of Public Prosecutions 6 3 2 1    6      1     1
ACT Emergency Services Agency 2 1 1     2           
ACT Government Solicitor 1    1    1          1
ACT Human Rights Commission 6 2 4     6           
Justice and Community Safety Directorate 8 4 3 1    8 1 1    1    1  4
Legal Aid ACT 7 3 5     8           
ACT Law Society 2   2     2           
ACT Magistrates Court 4   2 4    4 1     1     2
ACT Magistrates Court 4   2 4    4 1     1     2
Public Advocate of the ACT 0    1    1      1     1 2
ACT Office of Regulatory Services 28 6 13 17    36   2 5   16 3   1  27
Public Trustee of the ACT 8 3 3 1 1   8 1     2     3
Supreme Court of the ACT 1 1      1           
 141     146         59
Territory and municipal Services                 
Territory and Municipal Services Directorate 57 23 26 9 1   59   1 2   12 5    20
 57     59  1 2   12 5    20
ACT Policing 125 56 57 6 4   123 1 2    9     12
 125     123         12
ACT Government Total56319526494340587211535311414574218

Appendix 2

Report on omissions and reasons for non-compliance

The ACT Ombudsman has been declared a public authority in accordance with section 16 of the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004. However, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, who is appointed under the Ombudsman Act 1976(Cth), discharges the role of ACT Ombudsman under the ACT Self-Government (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988 (Cth).

Due to this arrangement, the ACT Ombudsman is unable to report against some aspects of the ACT Chief Minister’s Annual Reports Directions 2012–13. Reporting on these issues and whole-of-government issues is provided for the office as a whole through the Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2012–13, which is available at

Table A2: Omissions and reasons for non-compliance

A: Performance and financial management reporting
  • A.5 Management  discussion and analysis
  • A.6  Financial report
  • A.7  Statement of performance
  • A.8  Strategic indicators
  • A.10  Triple bottom line Reporting

ACT Ombudsman functions are intrinsically linked with broader Commonwealth Ombudsman organisational operations

B: ACT Multicultural Strategy B.2 Internal and external scrutiny ACT Ombudsman functions are intrinsically linked with broader Commonwealth Ombudsman organisational operations
C: Legislative and policy-based reporting
  • C.1 Risk  management and internal audit
  • C.2  Fraud prevention
  • C.5  Internal accountability
  • C.6  Human resource performance
  • C.7  Staffing profile
  • C.8  Learning and development
  • C.9  Workplace health and safety
  • C.10 Workplace relations
  • C.11 Human Rights Act 2004
  • C.13 Strategic asset management
  • C.14 Capital works
  • C.15 Government contracting
  • C.16 Community  Grants/ Assistance/Sponsorship
  • C.19 Ecologically  sustainable development (in part)
  • C.20 Climate change and greenhouse gas reduction policies and programs
  • C.20 Climate change and greenhouse gas reduction policies and programs
  • C.23 ACT Strategic Plan for Positive Ageing 2010–14
  • C.24 ACT Women’s Plan 2010–15
ACT Ombudsman functions are intrinsically linked with broader Commonwealth Ombudsman organisational operations
  • C.12 Strategic  Bushfire Management Plan
  • C.18 Commissioner  for the Environment
  • C.25 Model Litigant Guidelines
  • C.26 Notices of non-compliance
No requirement to report