ACT Ombudsman - Annual Report 2009-2010 - Appendix 1

Appendix 1 - Statistics

Explanations of terms used in Table A1

Approaches/complaints finalised
approaches/complaints finalised in 2009–10, including some complaints carried over from previous years
Approaches/complaints received
approaches/complaints received in 2009–10
Category 1 approaches
resolved without investigation, outcomes include decisions not to investigate and referrals to appropriate agency or authority
Category 2 approaches
approaches that cannot be resolved at category 1 and require further internal enquiries/research or more information from the complainant, resolved without contacting the agency
Category 3 approaches
investigation conducted and agency contacted
Category 4 approaches
further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 3
Category 5 approaches
further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 4; involves formal reporting processes
complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring separate investigation and possibly resulting in a number of different remedies

Table A1: Approaches and complaints received and finalised about ACT Government agencies, 2009–10, Ombudsman Act 1989 (ACT) (including freedom of information).

 Total No Investigation Investigated Action expedited Apology Decision changed or reconsidered Disciplinary action Explanation Financial remedy Law, policy or practice changed Other non-financial remedy Remedy provided by agency without Ombudsman intervention Total
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Total
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal 3 2 1 1    4      1      1
ACT Corrective Services 151 84 20 37 3   144 2     9 4     15
ACT Department of Justice and Community Safety 2                 
ACT Emergency Services Agency 7 4 1 1    6           
ACT Health 11 10 1     11           
ACT Land Development Agency 1   1     1           
ACT Magistrates Court and Tribunals 1 1      1           
ACT Office of Regulatory Services 26 12 15 5    32`      1      1
ACT Planning and Land Authority 27 12 7 5    24      1      1
ACT Policing 1 69 104 44 12 10   1 70   3 2 1 8   1    15
ActewAGL 11 4 4 1    9      1      1
ACTION 6 3 1     4           
Canberra Institute of Technology 6 2 1     3           
Chief Minister’s Department 3 2 3     5           
Department of Education and Training 13 10 1 3    14           
Department of Territory and Municipal Services 58 24 17 11 1   53 1 1    3    1   6
Department of Treasury 18 11 4 2    17          1 1
Director of Public Prosecutions 1   1     1           
Housing ACT 106 61 16 22 4   103 7 2 2   7 7 1    26
Human Rights Commission 1   1     1           
Legal Aid Commission of the ACT 8 6 3     9           
Office for Children, Youth and Family Support 26 9 16 1    26           
Office of the Public Advocate of the ACT 2   1     1           
Public Trustee for the ACT 10 3 3 5    11 1          1
Roads ACT 5 2 1 2    5      1 1     2
Supreme Court of the ACT 1                 
University of Canberra 3 1 3 1    5           
Total 676 367 166 109 18 - 660 11 6 4 1 32 12 2 1 1 70