Compliance Index

compliance index

Transmittal certificate

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Table of contents
Alphabetical index (This index appears in the printed but the online search facility answers to this requirement)
Glossary of abbreviations and acronyms

Chief Executive overview
Major issues, challenges and achievements for the reporting year
Overview of agency performance and financial results
Outlook for the coming year

Agency role and overall performance
Overview of the agency
Report on overall agency performance

Organisational governance
Internal accountability structures and processes
Strategic and organisational planning
Risk management and internal audit arrangements, N/A*
Fraud prevention arrangements, N/A*
Culture and values, N/A*
Approach to contracting principles and processes, N/A*
External scrutiny, N/A*

Financial performance
Agency financial results and analysis of financial performance, N/A*
Capital works management, N/A*
Asset management strategy, N/A*
Government contractual debts (interest)

Human Resource Performance
Analysis of HR performance, N/A*
Workplace relations, N/A*
Workplace injury prevention and management , N/A*
Workplace diversity, N/A*
Learning and development, N/A*

Information and Access
Freedom of Information
Public Interest Disclosure
Territory records

Community Engagement
Community engagement
Cost-benefit analysis of business regulation reform, N/A*
Commissioner for Environment Reporting
Ecologically sustainable development, N/A*
Fuel management plans, N/A*
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reporting, N/A*
Multicultural framework
Justice, options and prevention policy framework, N/A*

Appendix: statistics

N/A: element not applicable regarding annual reporting compliance

The ACT Ombudsman is a public authority within the meaning of the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004. The ACT Ombudsman is unable to report against some aspects of the Chief Minister's 2004 Annual Report Directions.

Elements on which reports cannot be provided mainly relate to areas where ACT Ombudsman functions are intrinsically linked with broader Commonwealth Ombudsman organisational operations, and include:

  • financial statements and financial reports
  • whole-of-government issues
  • risk management and internal audit arrangements
  • fraud prevention arrangements
  • staffing profile and human resource management issues
  • procurement contracting principles and processes
  • workplace injury prevention and management
  • capital works management
  • asset management strategy
  • ecologically sustainable development and fuel management plans.

Reporting on these issues is provided for the office as a whole through the Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report. See also Chapter 2, role and overall performance.