

Appendix 1—Statistics

Table A1—Table A1 Approaches and complaints received and finalised about ACT Government agencies, 2008-09, Ombudsman Act 1989 (ACT) (including freedom of information)

Explanations of terms used in Table A1

Approaches/complaints finalised—approaches/complaints finalised in 2008–09, including some complaints carried over from previous years

Approaches/complaints received—approaches/complaints received in 2008–09

Category 1 approaches—resolved without investigation, outcomes include decisions not to investigate and referrals to appropriate agency or authority

Category 2 approaches—approaches that cannot be resolved at category 1 and require further internal enquiries/research or more information from the complainant, resolved without contacting the agency

Category 3 approaches—investigation conducted and agency contacted

Category 4 approaches—further investigation conducted, as the complaint was not able to be resolved in category 3

Category 5 approaches—further investigation conducted, as the complaint was not able to be resolved in category 4; involves formal reporting processes

Remedies—complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring separate investigation and possibly resulting in a number of different remedies

Appendix 2—Report omissions and reasons for non-compliance

The ACT Ombudsman is neither a public authority nor an administrative unit within the meaning of the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004 (ACT). Consequently, the ACT Ombudsman is unable to report against some aspects of the ACT Chief Minister's Annual Report Directions 2007–2010. Reporting on these issues and whole-of-government issues is provided for the office as a whole through the Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2008–2009, which is available at

Table A2—Report omissions and reasons for non-compliance




Section A: Performance and financial management reporting

A.5 Management discussion and analysis
A.6 Financial report
A.7 Statement of performance
A.8 Strategic indicators

ACT Ombudsman functions are intrinsically linked with broader Commonwealth Ombudsman organisational operations

Section B: Consultation and scrutiny reporting

B.2 Internal and external scrutiny

ACT Ombudsman functions are intrinsically linked with broader Commonwealth Ombudsman organisational operations

Section C: Legislative and policy based reporting

C.1 Risk management and internal audit
C.2 Fraud prevention
C.5 Internal accountability (most aspects)
C.6 HR performance
C.7 Staffing profile
C.8 Learning and development
C.9 Workplace health and safety
C.10 Workplace relations
C.12 Strategic asset management
C.13 Capital works
C.14 Government contracting

ACT Ombudsman functions are intrinsically linked with broader Commonwealth Ombudsman organisational operations


C.11 Strategic Bushfire Management Plan

No requirement to report
