

Approaches and complaints received and finalised about directorates and ACT Policing 2015–16
Directorate/AgencyTotal receivedNot investigatedInvestigatedTotal finalisedAction expeditedApologyDecision changed or reconsideredExplanationFinancial remedyLaw, policy or practice changedOther non-financial remedyRemedy provided by agency without Ombudsman InterventionTotal remedies*
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate1441233415763732221 53
Access Canberra5848126032214111 24
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development464111522 19    12
ACT Revenue Office2019423   3 1  4
University of Canberra20157221146    13
Community Services Directorate104951110612216  1123
Community Services Directorate1817118   2    2
Housing ACT8678108812214  1121
Education and Training Directorate19172190  3    3
Canberra Institute of Technology6516   2    2
Education and Training 1312113   1    1
Environment and Planning Directorate20171181       1
Health Directorate2020020         
Justice and Community Safety Directorate10586211071 316311126
ACT Corrective Services46341549  2103  116
ACT Court or Tribunal1414115   2 11 4
Justice and Community Safety 1915217  11    2
Legal Aid ACT6516   1    1
ACT Law Society55 5         
Public Advocate of the ACT11 1         
Public Trustee for the ACT1412113   1    1
Territory and Municipal Services Directorate34276331 46111115
ACTION Bus33 3         
Territory and Municipal Services 31276301 46111115
ACT Directorates TOTAL446385744599516726443119
ACT Policing122110171273 63  1114
ACT GOVERNMENT5684959158612522756454133

*Multiple remedies may result from the same investigation