Compliance statement


Report on omissions and reasons for non-compliance

The Commonwealth Ombudsman discharges the role of ACT Ombudsman.

The ACT Ombudsman is not required to comply with the Annual Report Directions under the Annual Reports Act, but the Commonwealth Ombudsman is required to comply under the Services Agreement with the ACT Government.

Because the Commonwealth Ombudsman discharges the role of ACT Ombudsman, many omitted items are separately reported in the Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2015–16, which is available at

PartSection References
1 Directions Overview 
2 Agency annual report requirements 
 ATransmittal certificatePg. 3
 BOrganisational overview and performancePg. 6
 B.1Organisational overviewPg. 6
 B.2Performance analysisPg. 7
 B.3ScrutinyPg. 9
 B.4–9Risk management, Internal audit, Fraud prevention, Work health and safety,
Human resources management & Ecological sustainable development.
 CFinancial management reportingPg. 9
 C.1-6Financial management analysis, Financial statements, Capital works, Asset management, Government contracting & Statement of performancen/a
3 Reporting by exceptionPg. 10
 DNotices of non-compliancePg. 11
 D.1 & D.2Dangerous substances & Medicines, poisons and therapeutic goodsNil to report
4 Agency-specific annual reporting requirementsPg. 10
 E-LEducation and training, Health, Gambling and racing, Ministerial and Director-General directions, Public land management plans, Third party insurance, Victims
of crime & Waste minimisation contraventions
5 Whole-of-government annual reporting 
 MCommunity engagement and supportPg. 12
 NJustice and community safetyPg. 12
 N.1Bushfire risk managementn/a
 N.2Freedom of informationPg. 12
 N.3Human rightsn/a
 N.4Legal services directionsn/a
 OPublic sector standards and workforce profilen/a
 O.1Culture and behaviourn/a
 O.2Public Interest DisclosurePg. 13
 O.3Workforce profilen/a
 PTerritory recordsPg. 13