Compliance index

Compliance index

Transmittal certificate

Chief Executive review
A.1The organisation

Agency performance B.1Analysis of agency performance
B.2Human Rights Act
B.3Access to government strategy
B.4Community engagement
B.5Multicultural framework
B.6Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reporting
B.7ACT Women's Plan

Management of organisation
C.1Managing our people N/A*
C.1.1HR performance and analysisN/A*
C.1.2Staffing profileN/A*
C.1.3Culture and valuesN/A*
C.1.4Workplace diversityN/A*
C.1.5Workplace health and safetyN/A*
C.1.6Learning and developmentN/A*
C.1.7Workplace relations N/A*

C.2.1Internal accountability
C.2.2Fraud preventionN/A*
C.2.3 Risk management and internal auditN/A*
C.2.4External ScrutinyN/A*
C.2.5Reports required by legislation Freedom of information
Public interest disclosure
Territory records

C.3Sustainability and environment
Commissioner for the Environment reporting N/A*
Ecologically sustainable development
Strategic bushfire management plan N/A*

Analysis of financial performance
D.1.1Management discussion and analysisN/A*
D.1.2Financial reportN/A*
D.1.3Statement of performanceN/A*
D.2Strategic asset managementN/A*
D.3 Capital worksN/A*
D.4 Government contractingN/A*

Legislative report
Legislative and committee inquiries and reportsN/A*
Omissions and reasons for non-compliance

N/A: element not applicable regarding annual reporting compliance

The ACT Ombudsman is neither a public authority nor an administrative unit within the meaning of the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004 (ACT). Consequently, the ACT Ombudsman is unable to report against some aspects of the ACT Chief Minister's Annual Report Directions 2005–2006.

Table A4—omissions and reasons for non-compliance

Reporting on these issues and whole-of-government issues is provided for the office as a whole through the Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2005–06.