ACT Ombudsman Annual Report 2007-08

ACT Ombudsman annual report 2007–2008


Transmittal letter and certificate to Minister

Contacting the ACT Ombudsman

  1. Performance and financial management
    • The organisation
    • Overview
    • Highlights
    • Outlook for 2008–09
    • Analysis of agency performance
  2. Complaints and Inspections
    • Complaints—ACT Government agencies
    • Complaints—ACT Policing
    • Inspections—ACT Policing
  3. Consultation and scrutiny reporting
    • Community engagement
    • Legislative Assembly Committee inquiries and reports
    • Legislative report
  4. Legislative and policy based reporting
    • Public interest disclosure
    • Freedom of information
    • Internal accountability
    • Community grants/assistance/sponsorship
    • Territory Records
    • Human Rights Act 2004
    • Commissioner for the Environment
    • ACT Multicultural Strategy
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reporting
    • Ecologically sustainable development
    • ACT Women's plan
  5. Appendixes
    • Appendix 1—Statistics
    • Appendix 2—Report omissions and reasons for non-compliance
  6. References
    • Abbreviations and acronyms
    • Compliance index
    • List of tables and figures